Bicycle baskets
Bike basket are of a great help when you want to have some extra lugage on the bike. There are many arts of bike bsakets but mainly they are front and rear ones. Front one is usually mounted on the handlebar or on the fornt carrier. The rear baskets are mostly monted on the rear carrier. The material may vary form metal, plastic, from bamboo to wooden or even carbon and based on the functions you might be able to carry the basket with you or it can be pemanently fix to the bike. In any case if you need a bike basket you should clearly define the use and the type of bike then look for something suitable in our shop
BELLELLI front metal bike basket
- Front bicycle basket
- Maximum load 5 kg, adjustable,
- Fits on any tubes with diameters ranging from 20 mm to 32 mm.
- mounting included
No Availability
BELLELLI rear metal bike-basket oval
- Rear bicycle basket
- Maximum load 15 kg,
- Fits to any bike carrier
BELLELLI bike basket PLAZA urban
Bellelli Plaza is a line of lightweight plastic baskets that enrich your bike
- ideal for shopping and leisure.
No Availability